Blue Linckia

by Giant Squid

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:36 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


The Ichthyologist

Song Author

Aaron Gregory

Tabbed by



1st → Organ
2nd → Vocals
3rd → Trumpet
4th → Clean Guitar 2
5th → Cello
6th → Distortion Guitar
7th → Clean Guitar
8th → Percussion
9th → Bass

File Size

70 KB




If you were to se+-vere my arms, I would grow one more, as I re+-ge+-ne+-rate I'll still have a+-no+-ther four It would not be the first time au+-to+-to+-my has saved me If you were to se+-vere my legs, I would grow two more, as I re+-ge+-ne+-rate I'll still crawl on the floor. These pie+-ces please feel free to keep all for your+-self they'll eat and breathe and grow in+-to un+-sight+-ly things


I have no idea what tuning they use, so I quite randomly picked A-standard on a 7-string. It does work, but I guess I could have used Bb too. I am mainly a drummer, so I rarely really play the whole songs I tab on real guitar, often since I'm too bad at guitar to do it, so if some notes are right but on the wrong place on the fretboard, it's my fault ;) The outro is soooo long that I couldn't bother checking everything if it's right or not. Anyway, thanks for downloading my tab, enjoy. /Jocke (